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TARGET Roadtrip

TARGET Roadtrip is a tour around Finland, where the ensemble dancers Elina Häyrynen and Natasha Lommi present their location-based duet BUSKING in a variety of different places. The first year of the tour took place during the summer 2023 and the touring will continue throughout the year 2024. The site specific work has been curated to suit its environment, both it the bosom of nature, in the archipelago as well as in the capital region at big music festivals.


In addition to taking over the space BUSKING is about non-verbal communication and mutual trust between two performers. The piece was born out of the desire to do art without walls, spaces and structures, and to bring contemporary dance closer to people.


TARGET Roadtrip 2023


05.05 @ Nordisk Culture Club, Suomenlinna, Helsinki

29-30.05 @ Tanssivirtaa Tampereella Festival (Tampere Dance Current), Tampere

15.06 @ Downtown Calling Festival, Vanhankaupunginkoski, Helsinki

29.07 @ ESSE Festival, Seurasaari, Helsinki

05.08 @ KULTTUURILOSSI, Korpoström, Parainen

19-20.08 @ Le Petite Festival, Hanko

©2022 by Aksinja Lommi
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